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British Birds

Writer's picture: Peter BerthoudPeter Berthoud

Updated: Jan 22, 2023

British Birds, Card Game, Pepys Series

First Published: 1968, Pepys Series by Castell Brothers Ltd., St Cross Street, London

Illustrator or Designer: Uncredited

Contents: 44 Cards + Rules Booklet

British Birds Box Front With Title Card
British Birds Box Front With Title Card

There are 8 sets of 5 cards. The sets each have a letter from A-H. Sets A-D are land birds, sets E-H are water birds. There are also 4 Owl cards.

British Birds Cards A1 - B4: Robin, Yellowhammer, Bullfinch, Linnet, Common Redstart, Wren, House Martin, Blue Tit and Tree Creeper

Robin, Yellowhammer, Bullfinch, Linnet, Common Redstart, Wren, House Martin, Blue Tit and Tree Creeper

British Birds Cards B5 - D3: Goldcrest, Cuckoo, Swallow, Green Woodpecker, Mistle Thrush, Jay, Capercaillie, Peregrine & Magpie

Goldcrest, Cuckoo, Swallow, Green Woodpecker, Mistle Thrush, Jay, Capercaillie, Peregrine & Magpie

British Birds Cards D4 - F2: Wood Pigeon, Kite, Kingfisher, Yellow Wagtail, Marsh Warbler, Snow Bunting, Ringed Plover, Dipper & Curlew Sandpiper

Wood Pigeon, Kite, Kingfisher, Yellow Wagtail, Marsh Warbler, Snow Bunting, Ringed Plover, Dipper & Curlew Sandpiper

British Birds Cards F3 - H1: Turnstone, Dunlin, Little Crake, Little Bittern, Spotted Redshank, Woodcock, Water Rail, Common Tern & Oyster Catcher

Turnstone, Dunlin, Little Crake, Little Bittern, Spotted Redshank, Woodcock, Water Rail, Common Tern, Oyster Catcher

British Birds Cards H2 - H5: Pink-Footed Goose, Curlew, Avocet, Heron & 4 Tawny Owl cards.

Pink-Footed Goose, Curlew, Avocet, Heron & 4 Tawny Owl cards.

First published in 1968 this popular game was later republished by Gibsons as British Wild Birds. Click on the box image to compare versions.

Game & Version Details

​ British Birds - Card Back

​ British Birds - Rules Front

British Birds - Rules Back

Games Advertised:

Wild Flower Sevens

Wild Life

British Birds - Box Back

​ British Birds - Box Top

​ British Birds - Box Side Left

​ British Birds - Box Base

Envelope Style Base

British Birds​ - Box Side Right

​ British Birds - Box Back With Flap

​Another pack with some variations noted.

​ British Birds - Rules Front

British Birds - Rules Back

Games Advertised:

Wild Flower Sevens


British Birds​ - Box Sides

​ British Birds - Box Base

Flat Tuck Base

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©2023 by Peter Berthoud.

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